Tag Archives: cpc

Affiliate Marketing Most Common Phrases & Terms Explained

Affiliate Marketing

Today, we are talking about abbreviations for the most common affiliate marketing phrases – to help you understand what they mean and why they are important. As an affiliate marketer, we use a lot of words and phrases that may be confusing to people who are not familiar with the terminology. For example, we use common words like “techniques” and “phrases” but give them different meanings. If you are new to affiliate marketing, this article will help you understand the techniques, phrases, and acronyms used in this […]

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What does CPA represent or mean with affiliate marketing?

CPA Affiliate Marketing

CPA, or cost per action, is one of the three main pricing models for monetizing websites. The other two are CPM, or cost per thousand views, and CPC, or cost per click. CPA is advantageous for advertisers and merchants because they only pay when a desired action is completed (meaning they don’t have to pay for ad impressions or clicks that don’t result in conversions). There are two main types of compensation for publishers: percentage-based commission and flat fee. With percentage-based commission, the publisher gets a percentage […]

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